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Hanwei Tactical Wakizashi (SH2432A)  
Hanwei Tactical Wakizashi (SH2432A) Points: 12   Additional photo in details view
The “Sidearm of the Samurai” gets a serious update in our Tactical Wakizashi, designed for strenuous outdoor use and protection. Based on the blade geometry and superb cutting ability of our Raptor series wakizashi but with full tang construction for ultimate strength, the Tactical Wakizashi is equal to any required task and then some.
In stock 265,00 EUR

Hanwei Raptor Shinogi Zukuri Katana (SH2414)  
Hanwei Raptor Shinogi Zukuri Katana (SH2414) Points: 16   Additional photo in details view
The Raptor Shinogi-Zukuri blade, which has evolved as the most common Japanese katana blade design, provides both speed and cutting power. Featuring a distinct yokote, such blades were originally produced after the Heian period, around 987 AD. The blade of the Raptor katana is hand forged in 5160 high carbon steel and is specifically heat treated to produce very high resilience and greater tolerance to misdirected cuts than a conventionally differentially tempered blade. The blade geometry is configured to facilitate the cutting of both soft and semi hard materials without chipping, allowing the user a wider range of targets. Cotton wrapped tsuka. Tsuba, fuchi and kashira features a beautiful Raptor motif. Black matte finish wood saya. Comes with black sword bag.
In stock 549,00 EUR

Hanwei Raptor Unokubi Zukuri Katana (SH2415)  
Hanwei Raptor Unokubi Zukuri Katana (SH2415) Points: 15   Additional photo in details view
The Raptor Unokubi-Zukuri (Cormorants Neck) blade design is patterned after the shape of the Naginata, the powerful long-handled weapon popular between the 12th and 14th centuries. Notable for the strongly relieved shinogi-ji and diamond-shaped kissaki, the Unokubi-Zukuri provides excellent balance in a strong cutting blade. The blade of the Raptor katana is hand forged in 5160 high carbon steel and is specifically heat treated to produce very high resilience and greater tolerance to misdirected cuts than a conventionally differentially tempered blade. The blade geometry is configured to facilitate the cutting of both soft and semi hard materials without chipping, allowing the user a wider range of targets. Cotton wrapped tsuka. Tsuba, fuchi and kashira features a beautiful Raptor motif. Black matte finish wood saya. Comes with black sword bag.
  469,00 EUR

Hanwei Raptor Shobu Zukuri Katana (SH2417)  
Hanwei Raptor Shobu Zukuri Katana (SH2417) Points: 15   Additional photo in details view
The Raptor Shobu-Zukuri (Iris Leaf) blade has an elegant shape and powerful cutting ability. Notable for the absence of a Yokote transition, this blade design became popular during the Nanbokucho era (1336 ~1392 AD) and its popularity continued into the Muromachi period. The blade of the Raptor katana is hand forged in 5160 high carbon steel and is specifically heat treated to produce very high resilience and greater tolerance to misdirected cuts than a conventionally differentially tempered blade. The blade geometry is configured to facilitate the cutting of both soft and semi hard materials without chipping, allowing the user a wider range of targets. Cotton wrapped tsuka. Tsuba, fuchi and kashira features a beautiful Raptor motif. Black matte finish wood saya. Comes with black sword bag.
  464,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Early Viking Replacement Blade - Sharp (OH2419)  
Hanwei Tinker Early Viking Replacement Blade - Sharp (OH2419) Points: 5   New items
Although the Tinker Viking swords have riveted tangs, Hanwei is nevertheless offering replacement blades for those wishing to either replace a severely worn blade or wishing to build a custom Viking sword.
In stock 158,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Early Medieval Sword Replacement Blade - Sharp (OH2406)  
Hanwei Tinker Early Medieval Sword Replacement Blade - Sharp (OH2406) Points: 5   New items
This sharp replacement blade may be used to quickly and easily convert the blunt sparring version of the Tinker Early Medieval Sword (SH2405) to a sharp weapon.
  155,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Bastard Sword Replacement Blade - Sharp, with fuller  (OH2412)  
Hanwei Tinker Bastard Sword Replacement Blade - Sharp, with fuller (OH2412) Points: 5   New items
This sharp replacement blade may be used to quickly and easily convert the blunt sparring version of the Tinker Bastard Sword (SH2401) to a sharp weapon.
  145,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Bastard Sword Replacement Blade - Sharp, without fuller  (OH2402)  
Hanwei Tinker Bastard Sword Replacement Blade - Sharp, without fuller (OH2402) Points: 5   New items
This sharp replacement blade may be used to quickly and easily convert the blunt sparring version of the Tinker Bastard Sword (SH2401) to a sharp weapon.
In stock 149,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Longsword Replacement Blade - Sharp (OH2396)  
Hanwei Tinker Longsword Replacement Blade - Sharp (OH2396) Points: 5   New items
This sharp Longsword blade may be used either to replace severely worn blades of the cutting sharp Tinker Longsword (Product No. HN-SH2394) or to convert the blunt sparring version of the Tinker Longsword (Product No. HN-SH2395) to a sharp weapon.
  149,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Great Sword of War  (SH2424)  
Hanwei Tinker Great Sword of War (SH2424) Points: 15   Additional photo in details view New items
The Great Sword of War is designed and crafted purely as a cutting sword and, weighing a little less than four pounds, it is built to excel on heavy targets.
  399,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Pearce Norman Sword - Sharp (SH2426)  
Hanwei Tinker Pearce Norman Sword - Sharp (SH2426) Points: 10   Additional photo in details view New items
The Tinker Norman sword pair, with their distinctive cruciform guard and brazil-nut pommel, are similar in weight and static balance and offer virtually identical handling characteristics. Both are harmonically balanced, optimizing cutting ability in the case of this sharp version.
  379,00 EUR

Hanwei Tinker Pearce Early Viking Sword - Sharp (SH2408)  
Hanwei Tinker Pearce Early Viking Sword - Sharp (SH2408) Points: 10   Additional photo in details view New items
Early Medieval Sword designed by Michael `Tinker` Pearce and reproduced by Hanwei to his specifications. The swords meet Tinker`s exacting quality requirements and are built in much the same way as his custom pieces. Each blade is forged from 5160 Spring Steel, Marquenched to the desired hardness of 50-53 Hrc while the tang is drawn back to the low 30s Hrc. The very end of the tang is threaded to fit an allen nut recessed into the pommel which allows for dimantling of the hilt assembly for inspection or to exchange blades if needed.
  379,00 EUR

Hanwei Early Medieval Single Hand - Tinker Pearce Sharp (SH2404)  
Hanwei Early Medieval Single Hand - Tinker Pearce Sharp (SH2404) Points: 13   Additional photo in details view
Early Medieval Sword designed by Michael `Tinker` Pearce and reproduced by Hanwei to his specifications. The swords meet Tinker`s exacting quality requirements and are built in much the same way as his custom pieces. Each blade is forged from 5160 Spring Steel, Marquenched to the desired hardness of 50-53 Hrc while the tang is drawn back to the low 30s Hrc. The very end of the tang is threaded to fit an allen nut recessed into the pommel which allows for dimantling of the hilt assembly for inspection or to exchange blades if needed.
  379,00 EUR

Hanwei Hand and a Half Sword - Tinker Pearce Sharp  
Hanwei Hand and a Half Sword - Tinker Pearce Sharp Points: 10   Additional photo in details view
Bastard Sword designed by Michael `Tinker` Pearce and reproduced by Hanwei to his specifications. The swords meet Tinker`s exacting quality requirements and are built in much the same way as his custom pieces. Each blade is forged from 5160 Spring Steel, Marquenched to the desired hardness of 50-53 Hrc while the tang is drawn back to the low 30s Hrc. The very end of the tang is threaded to fit an allen nut recessed into the pommel which allows for dimantling of the hilt assembly for inspection or to exchange blades if needed.

Hanwei Longsword - Tinker Pearce Sharp (SH2394)  
Hanwei Longsword - Tinker Pearce Sharp (SH2394) Points: 15   Additional photo in details view
Tinker Pearce has developed these matching longswords to satisfy the need of every Western Martial Arts practitioner and sword enthusiast, to have a matching set of sharp and blunt swords for cutting and safe training practice. The swords meet Tinker`s exacting quality requirements and are built in much the same way as his custom pieces. Each blade is forged from 5160 Spring Steel, Marquenched to the desired hardness of 50-53 Hrc while the tang is drawn back to the low 30s Hrc. The very end of the tang is threaded to fit an allen nut recessed into the pommel which allows for dimantling of the hilt assembly for inspection or to exchange blades if needed.
  345,00 EUR

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